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IIT Video Lectures on High Performance Computer Architecture by Dr. Rajib Mall

Video Lecture Series from IIT Professors :
High Performance Computer Architecture 
 by   Dr. Rajib Mall sir

Dr. RAJIB MALL obtained all his professional degrees: Bachelor's, Master's, and the doctoral degrees from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He worked for Motorola(India) for about three years before joining the faculty of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT, Kharagpur, where he is at present working as a professor.He has guided more than a dozen Ph.D. theses and has published more than 150 refereed international journal and conference papers. He has done consultancy projects for organizations such as General Motors, Infosys, Honeywell, and Usha Telecom. He works mostly in the areas of program analysis and testing for traditional as well as emerging software systems.


  1. THese lectures are no more. Can I purchase?

  2. hi these lectures are no more available. please provide a link where i can get them, thanks

  3. Hi, I'm not in India, and want to access the videos but it is saying video not accessible from your country(Germany) can you give access to videos?
    mainly 29 and 30.
